Joel Iskowitz is the designer behind the American Reserve’s Columbia Goddess collection. He is one of few living artists to have had his artwork displayed in the Pentagon, the Capitol and the White House. He has created artwork for three decades that has graced the covers of books, periodicals, journals, public spaces, coins and postage stamps worldwide.

“Collaborating on the image of Columbia has been a most exciting and gratifying project for this designer. In attempting to create a timeless rendition of Columbia, the embodiment of our young nation’s highest aspirations, Justice, Peace and Liberty, I attempted to portray her as young and beautiful, yet also as a nurturing mother, protective of the virtues and hopes of our emergent democratic republic.”

— Joel Iskowitz

His Background

Mr. Iskowitz’s work has been featured in numerous international journals and he has received multiple awards for his corporate illustrations and public art. His designs are displayed in prestigious institutions like the Smithsonian, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, and the U.S. Capitol’s Emancipation Hall. His mural at the Pentagon and his painting “The Other Side of the Coin” have gained international recognition. He continues to present his artwork at various universities and professional organizations. In 2011, he founded Icons of Inspiration and Goddesses Without Borders to promote goodwill through numismatics and art. He has been inducted into the Hunter College Hall of Fame and the Bronx Jewish Hall of Fame.

Iskowitz has twice been invited to document Space Shuttle missions, with his artwork permanently displayed at the NASA Kennedy Space Center Museum. He has created 54 minted designs for U.S. coins and medals, an unparalleled achievement for a private citizen. Notably, he designed the New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal presented to Apollo 11 astronauts and John Glenn in 2011, earning a Bronze Prize in the 2012 International Design Awards. In 2015, John Glenn nominated him for the National Medal of the Arts, and his portrait of Queen Elizabeth II became the first by an American artist on UK coinage. His designs for 17 Congressional Gold Medals include a Gold Medal winner in the 2016 International Design Awards.


Columbia, wielding her torch of liberty, embodies the limitless ideals of freedom and equality that epitomize the American Spirit. As a member of the American Reserve product line, the gold and silver in the Columbia series is mined, refined, and crafted into investment grade bullion in the United States of America.


Columbia, wielding her torch of liberty, embodies the limitless ideals of freedom and equality that epitomize the American Spirit. As a member of the American Reserve product line, the gold and silver in the Columbia series is mined, refined, and crafted into investment grade bullion in the United States of America.